Mothers Are Growing, Too

As I take Lilly’s six-month photos, I look back at how much I have grown as a mother. Every milestone Lilly reaches is a milestone that I have also achieved. When Lilly was born, I was nervous about holding her delicate and tiny body. Slowly, my confidence in carrying Lilly and nurturing her grew over time.

At six months, I realized that I was growing alongside her. I’m learning to be more patient and go with her flow. Slowing down and enjoying my motherhood journey is the best way to invest my time. I’m learning how to be a mother and wife simultaneously. I’m learning how to balance motherhood and everything I need to accomplish daily.

Since becoming a mother, I have experienced so many feelings simultaneously. I’m overfilled with joy, and I feel grief as I cling to stay in the moment, knowing how fast time flees. I can feel loneliness and wish I had a moment alone. I miss who I was before becoming a mother, and I’m so proud of the person I have grown into. I’m exhausted from trying to create a happy childhood for my daughter, and I’m excited that I get the privilege to see her grow.

As I take Lilly’s six months, I celebrate that I have been a new mother for six months, doing my best. I had to navigate “mom guilt” and be at peace that I’m doing the best for my child. Modern motherhood puts so much pressure to buy many baby items, have mothers return to their pre-baby body, go back to regular activities, pursue their careers, enroll their baby in the best pre-schools, and spend quality time with their new baby. The best advice I have received regarding navigating motherhood in the first year is, “You can have it all but not all at once.” And this looks so different for each mother. Every couple of months, you can add in a new goal and gradually achieve your family, health, fitness, career, marriage, and spiritual. I’m grateful that modern motherhood allows for various types of parenting styles. I’m also thankful to have encountered many working women and stay-at-home moms who demonstrated that you can do many things while still being a mother.

Wishing you joy in life’s little things,



Lilly’s Bedroom and Play Shelf (Links)


Why Moms Need Mom Walks?